Advanced Query Techniques

Joins and Unions

  • Inner Join

    • The join operator combines rows from two tables based on a related column between them.

    • Example: Join SecurityEvent and SigninLogs to find login events and their details.

      | where EventID == 4624
      | join kind=inner (SigninLogs | project SigninTime, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress) on $left.AccountName == $right.UserPrincipalName
      | project TimeGenerated, Computer, AccountName, IPAddress, SigninTime
  • Left Join

    • A leftouter join includes all rows from the left table and the matched rows from the right table. If there is no match, the result is null on the side of the right table.

    • Example: Left join SecurityEvent with ThreatIntelligence to find logins and match with threat intelligence data.

      | where EventID == 4624
      | join kind=leftouter (ThreatIntelligence | project IPAddress, ThreatType) on $left.IPAddress == $right.IPAddress
      | project TimeGenerated, Computer, AccountName, IPAddress, ThreatType
  • Union Operations

    • The union operator combines the results of two or more tables.

    • Example: Combine SecurityEvent and SigninLogs for comprehensive analysis.

      union SecurityEvent, SigninLogs

Subqueries and Nested Queries

  • Writing Subqueries

    • Subqueries are queries within queries and are used to break down complex operations.

    • Example: Subquery to filter security events for a specific user and then summarize.

      let UserLogons = SecurityEvent | where AccountName == "jdoe" and EventID == 4624;
      | summarize LogonCount = count() by Computer
  • Using Nested Queries for Complex Data Retrieval

    • Nested queries can be used to perform multiple transformations in a single query.

    • Example: Nested query to find the peak login times for a user.

      | where AccountName == "jdoe" and EventID == 4624
      | summarize LogonCount = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
      | where LogonCount > 10

String Operations

  • String Functions

    • substring(): Extracts a substring from a string.

      | project ShortComputerName = substring(Computer, 0, 5)
    • trim(): Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.

      | project TrimmedAccountName = trim(" ", AccountName)
    • replace(): Replaces occurrences of a substring with another substring.

      | project AnonymizedIP = replace(".", "[dot]", IPAddress)
  • Pattern Matching with extract and parse

    • extract(): Extracts a substring using a regular expression.

      | project Domain = extract("@(.+)", 1, AccountName)
    • parse(): Parses a string using a custom format.

      | parse AccountName with "prefix" ParsedName "suffix"

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