VNET Flow Log Schema

Log format

Virtual network flow logs have the following properties:

General Properties

  • time: Time in UTC when the event was logged.

  • flowLogVersion: Version of the flow log.

  • flowLogGUID: Resource GUID of the FlowLog resource.

  • macAddress: MAC address of the network interface where the event was captured.

  • category: Category of the event. This value is always FlowLogFlowEvent.

  • flowLogResourceID: Resource ID of the FlowLog resource.

  • targetResourceID: Resource ID of the target resource associated with the FlowLog resource.

  • operationName: Always FlowLogFlowEvent.

Flow Records Properties

  • flowRecords: Collection of flow records.

  • flows: Collection of flows, which may include multiple entries for access control lists (ACLs).

    • aclID: Identifier of the resource evaluating traffic, either a network security group or Virtual Network Manager. If traffic is denied due to encryption, this value is unspecified.

Flow Groups Properties

  • flowGroups: Collection of flow records at a rule level.

    • rule: Name of the rule that allowed or denied the traffic. If traffic is denied due to encryption, this value is unspecified.

Flow Tuples Properties

  • flowTuples: String containing multiple properties for the flow tuple in a comma-separated format.

    • Time Stamp: Time stamp of when the flow occurred, in UNIX epoch format.

    • Source IP: Source IP address.

    • Destination IP: Destination IP address.

    • Source port: Source port.

    • Destination port: Destination port.

    • Protocol: Layer 4 protocol of the flow, expressed in IANA assigned values.

    • Flow direction: Direction of the traffic flow. Valid values are I (Inbound) and O (Outbound).

    • Flow state: State of the flow, with possible values:

      • B: Begin (Flow is created, no statistics provided).

      • C: Continuing (Ongoing flow, statistics provided at five-minute intervals).

      • E: End (Flow terminated, statistics provided).

      • D: Deny (Flow is denied).

    • Flow encryption: Encryption state of the flow.

    • Packets sent: Total number of packets sent from the source to the destination since the last update.

    • Bytes sent: Total number of bytes sent from the source to the destination since the last update, including the packet header and payload.

    • Packets received: Total number of packets sent from the destination to the source since the last update.

    • Bytes received: Total number of bytes sent from the destination to the source since the last update, including the packet header and payload.

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