Time Series Analysis

Time-Based Data Operations

  • Filtering by Time Ranges

    • Use the where clause to filter data based on a specific time range.

      | where TimeGenerated between (datetime(2024-01-01) .. datetime(2024-12-31))
    • You can also use relative time filters with ago().

      | where TimeGenerated > ago(7d)

Time Series Aggregations

  • Summarizing Data Over Time Intervals

    • The summarize operator can be used with time intervals to aggregate data.

      | summarize OperationNameValue = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
    • Example of summarizing data by day:

      Azure Activity
      | summarize OperationNameValue = count() by bin(TimeGenerated, 1d)
  • Using make-series for Time Series Data

    • The make-series operator creates a series of data points over a specified time range.

    • Example:

      | make-series OperationNameValue = count() on TimeGenerated from ago(30d) to now() step 1d

Anomaly Detection

  • Identifying Trends and Anomalies

    • KQL provides functions for identifying trends and detecting anomalies in time series data.

    • series_decompose_anomalies(): Detects anomalies in a time series.

      | make-series OperationNameValue = count() on TimeGenerated from ago(30d) to now() step 1d
      | extend (Trend, Seasonality, Anomaly) = series_decompose_anomalies(OperationNameValue)
  • Using Built-in Functions for Anomaly Detection

    • series_outliers(): Detects outliers in a series.

      | make-series OperationNameValue = count() on TimeGenerated from ago(30d) to now() step 1d
      | extend Anomalies = series_outliers(OperationNameValue, 2)

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