NSG Flow Log Schema

Schema Reference:

General Properties

  • time: Time in UTC when the event was logged.

  • systemId: System ID of the network security group.

  • category: Category of the event. This value is always NetworkSecurityGroupFlowEvent.

  • resourceid: Resource ID of the network security group.

  • operationName: Always NetworkSecurityGroupFlowEvents.

Flow Properties

  • properties: Collection of properties of the flow.

    • Version: Version number of the flow log's event schema.

    • flows: Collection of flows. This property has multiple entries for different rules.

      • rule: Rule for which the flows are listed.

      • flows: Collection of flows.

        • mac: MAC address of the NIC for the VM where the flow was collected.

        • flowTuples: String containing multiple properties for the flow tuple in a comma-separated format.

          • Time stamp: Time stamp of when the flow occurred in UNIX epoch format.

          • Source IP: Source IP address.

          • Destination IP: Destination IP address.

          • Source port: Source port.

          • Destination port: Destination port.

          • Protocol: Protocol of the flow. Valid values are T for TCP and U for UDP.

          • Traffic flow: Direction of the traffic flow. Valid values are I for inbound and O for outbound.

          • Traffic decision: Whether traffic was allowed or denied. Valid values are A for allowed and D for denied.

Flow State Properties (Version 2 Only)

  • Flow State: State of the flow, with possible states:

    • B: Begin (Flow is created, statistics aren't provided).

    • C: Continuing (Ongoing flow, statistics provided at 5-minute intervals).

    • E: End (Flow terminated, statistics provided).

  • Packets sent: Total number of TCP packets sent from source to destination since the last update.

  • Bytes sent: Total number of TCP packet bytes sent from source to destination since the last update, including the packet header and payload.

  • Packets received: Total number of TCP packets sent from destination to source since the last update.

  • Bytes received: Total number of TCP packet bytes sent from destination to source since the last update, including the packet header and payload.

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